
Andreas Rasmussen overtager ny rolle som CGO af Monstarlab Group

Feb 24, 2021


Nodes ‘CEO overtager en ny rolle som Monstarlabs Chief Growth Officer. I sin nye rolle vil han fokusere på at skabe vækst og udvikle en samlet virksomhedskultur på tværs af alle kontorer.

Andreas Rasmussen, der tilbage i 2008 grundlagde Nodes, som senere blev erhvervet af Monstarlab, overtager den nyetablerede rolle som Chief Growth Officer. Som CGO vil Andreas være ansvarlig for at vokse virksomheden både internt og eksternt.

“My most important task in Nodes has always been to grow the business. That can only happen if you are an attractive company that is permeated by motivated, dedicated, and happy colleagues. My new job is to take all the best from every office and create a unified company culture without removing the unique characteristics of each office. I’m looking forward to the challenge because, in the end, our colleagues and their well-being is directly connected to our clients’ success”, siger Andreas Rasmussen uddyber, at han udover at arbejde med Monstarlabs People & Culture-division også vil være ansvarlig for flere eksterne aktiviteter, såsom M & As, fundraising strategisk kundearbejde.

Endnu en hjørnesten i det nye globale ledelsesteam

Med Andreas Rasmussen som CGO styrket vi fundamentet for den fremtidige virksomhedsstruktur, og han vil stræbe efter at skabe et internationalt konsulentfirma, der kan udfordre de største aktører på markedet.

“Even though I have to get used to my new role, I have been given responsibility for the things I valued most at Nodes, which is the people. Our powerful competencies within development and delivery among our 1200 colleagues around the world are our key differentiators as a consultancy. By focusing on the people and our culture, we’ll show the rest of the world that there is an alternative to the established consultancies,” siger Andreas Rasmussen.  

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