
The Future of Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance

Imagine if banking, financial services and insurance companies were powered by the speed, precision and power of technology. What could we achieve?

By drawing on years of experience from the financial sector, our experts understand how technology can support the core of your business.

Creating Digital Customers through Customer Centricity

We help you turn concepts into reliable and robust digital solutions and tangible strategy, with stunning design and an amazing user experience, taking every measure to tailor it to the BFSI sector’s characteristics.

Why is product management crucial for the financial sector?

Digital is absolutely business critical for every industry today, and product management is at the centre of that. Discover why it is important for any company within the financial sector to do product management correctly, and how to get started with it.

How is machine learning changing the financial sector?

There has been an increasing interest in machine learning these past few years in the financial sector. Learn more about how it is changing the sector.

View the cases where we have helped shape this industry.

Visit our cases

Talk to the experts today, they are here to help

Head of Machine Learning
Tobias Morville
Tobias is the Head of Machine Learning at Monstarlab. He has a PhD in Computational Neuroscience and has worked with designing, developing and deploying machine learning models in both Danish and international companies for the last four years.
Executive Director - Delivery
Tobias Lund-Eskerod
Tobias has more than 10 years’ experience within the insurance and financial sector, with focus on Customer Experience, Insight, CSR, Ethics and Sustainability as well as the use of data to create business value. Tobias has successfully driven and implemented a number of digital projects in his role as a CRM director with responsibility for global Customer Strategy. Tobias has a deep knowledge within analytics and the use of data and teaches within this topic as an External lector at CBS.
Engagement Director
Alexander Holdsworth
Having worked in and around data and digital for nearly 10 years now Alexander is passionate about helping organisations really understand how it can transform how they work. Although he is a numbers person by trade, at his heart he is a creative. Alexander is an economist by background, having completed the CFA, and have spent many years leading teams building various financial models and appraisals.

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